Clicky What is a Healthy Heart? -

Not all cancer survivors have heart conditions but some cancer treatments can result in heart problems. It is important to monitor cancer survivors as heart problems tend to occur even after years of treatment. The best way to keep their hearts healthy is by going in for regular medical check-ups and tests to monitor their heart functioning. If there arise any problems they can be easily detected and treated at the earliest. 

A Healthy Heart

This organ is located in the center of the body’s circulatory system, it is responsible for pumping blood with oxygen and nutrients throughout the tissues of the body. We might have not put too much thought into it, but our heart works continuously throughout the day. It is one of the most important muscles in your body that carries the necessary amount of oxygen and nutrient supplies throughout the body. When the required care is not given to your heart, there can arise problems that lead to heart attacks and blockage of the flow of blood. 

One should keep in mind that all the activities that they undertake on a day-to-day basis, directly or indirectly have an effect on the heart. 

One of the main causes of heart risk is the increased presence of cholesterol in the body. Cholesterol in the right amounts is good but too much of it can cause unnecessary risks. This waxy substance is produced by the body as well as absorbed from the food that we take. It helps in the production of Vitamin D and certain hormones such as estrogen in women and testosterone in men and it also helps with digestion. 

How can I take care of my heart?

Some of the steps given below will set you off on a journey toward healthy living, thereby a healthy heart,

Foods that can help you maintain a healthy heart

To improve the health of your heart you need not be dramatic and cut down on everything that you love. Rather, it is a step-by-step process once you start to manage your food and lifestyle changes, there will be a significant improvement in your weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol too. Making small changes can be easier to stick to in the long term.

Remember to include all the necessary nutrients in your diet. Given below are some guidelines that you may like to know when you are following a formal diet. The following healthy principles should be compulsorily added to your diet. 

Do taking supplements help improve my heart health?

The omega-3 fatty acids found excessively in fish are known to help lower your blood pressure levels and triglycerides, and reduce your risk of experiencing heart diseases. The best way to include omega-3 fatty acids is through food intake. Try eating fatty fish like mackerel, salmon, and trout at least twice a week.

If the omega-3 fatty acid from food is not sufficient, talk to your doctor and take supplements that may help you. If you have high-risk heart diseases or high triglycerides, you need to talk to your doctor first. When taking prescription omega-3s you may need quite larger doses. 

Never take high doses of omega-3 fatty acids unless your doctor tells you to do so. Excessive intake can cause bleeding in some people. If you already have a bleeding condition, it can increase them as in blood thinners or pain relievers. Talk to your doctor before you start taking them. 

Can I take aspirin to protect my heart?

If you have a high risk of heart disease or have had a history of heart attacks, taking a low dose of aspirin can help you prevent the risk of heart attacks. Aspirin is known to thin the blood thus preventing clots from forming. But it is mandatory to get a consultation with your doctor before you start taking them, 

Aspirin is not recommended if you 

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