Like all therapies, there are results of cancer treatment additionally and they happen when healthy cells are harmed. The aftereffects of various chemotherapy and radiation treatments are unique, each has its secondary effects because of the various types of medicine utilized. The side effects may sometimes be experienced immediately or after 10 days or even after months of starting treatment.
Generally, the intensity of the side effects is dependent on the type of chemotherapy and type dosage. Also, the side effects are based on which part of the body is treated. For instance, if radiation therapy is directed at the hips, side effects occur only on the skin, the bone marrow, and the hipbone. The various types of side effects that the child experiences will be explained to you by your physician.
Some of the common side effects of cancer treatment are given below,
Side Effects of Cancer Treatment
- Neutropenia
- Hair Loss
- Lymphedema
- Memory problems
- Nausea and Vomiting
- Blood Clots
- Cancer Pain
- Other Side Effects
These side effects are caused due to the drastic decrease in the number of white blood cells. This is very normal subsequent to getting chemotherapy as the medications utilized for this therapy work to kill any quickly developing cells in the body and these can either be cancer cells or solid white platelets. Due to the low count of white blood cells, the child is more vulnerable to infection.
Lymphedema is a condition where your lymph hub or vessel is harmed and thus, the lymph liquid may not deplete as expected. This causes the fluid to build up under your skin causing it to swell and leads to a condition called lymphedema
Hair Loss
Hair loss is a common side effect of chemotherapy and is also known by the name alopecia.
It comes back following a few months once the treatment closes. To keep the hair from falling out, a cooling cap can be used. The cooling cap will fit firmly to your head and keep your scalp cool the whole time. The efficiency of the cooling cap depends on the type of chemotherapy that the patient receives.
Some shave their head before their hair begins falling and wear a hairpiece, scarf, or cap during treatment.
Nausea and Vomiting
Cancer medicines can cause serious sickness and regurgitation. It can make them so sick that just thinking about the treatment can make them feel uncomfortable.
Notwithstanding, a few meds assist you with adapting to queasiness so assuming you feel debilitated, tell your primary care physician right away and take the suggested medication that turns out best for you.
Other ways of managing nausea are by drinking ginger ale and following relaxation methods such as hypnosis, and acupuncture.
Memory problems
A portion of the medications that are utilized for disease treatment can create problems in remembering things in patients. This is often called ‘chemo brain’. It can be quite difficult for cancer patients to concentrate and go about their everyday tasks. The best way to cope with this issue is to make sure that you get plenty and adequate amount of sleep, keep reminders and make daily plans and focus on one task at a time.
Cancer Pain
Pain assumes the most prominent place in cancer patients. It can reduce their quality of life and hinder them from performing their everyday activities.
Pain management during cancer treatment is highly important. If you experience pain, you should be notified by your physician immediately. They will figure out the cause of your pain and then work to eliminate it by treating the underlying conditions.
Blood Clots
Blood clots ordinarily happen somewhere down in the vein and they are classified as “deep vein thrombosis”. It commonly occurs in the thighs, pelvis, lower leg, and sometimes in the arm. In severe cases, these blood clots can break off and form in the lungs.
Cancer patients getting chemotherapy are at a higher gamble of DVT than others.
Other Side Effects
Aside from these, cancer medicines likewise cause a great many incidental effects including exhaustion, trouble eating, and depression. Additionally, they may also experience,
Appetite Problems
Dry Mouth and
Skin Changes
Mouth Sores
You can learn more about the side effects by following the links and the ways of coping with them are also explained.