One of the symptoms of cancer therapy is mouth wounds and dry mouth that are caused because of chemotherapy and radiation treatment to the head and neck region. Due to this, it is highly mandatory to keep the teeth and mouth as clean as possible. Apart from being uncomfortable, mouth sores and other infections can be greatly prevented.
Rehearsing general mouth care, for example,
- Clean your kid’s teeth with a delicate toothbrush after each meal And before going to bed
- After brushing, the mouth should be rinsed thoroughly with water. Mouthwashes that contain alcohol ought to be kept away from as it dries out the mouth.
- Assuming your kid’s concerns with dry mouth, you can request one of the sans sugar confections or get some information about any sort of mouthwashes or items that are protected to utilize.
How to care for the sore mouth:
The impact of chemotherapy and radiation treatment controlled on the head and neck can in some cases cause mouth sores. At the point when this happens, the inner parts of the mouth can become red and have sores that can be exceptionally difficult. If you notice any white plaques in the mouth, it is caused because of fungal infection.
Children having mouths sores should be,
- Given a lot of fluids to drink
- The fluids should be intaken via a straw
- Hot and acidic food varieties ought to be stayed away from
- The food that is given to the kid should be cold or at room temperature
- The food sources ought to be delicate or pureed. Consumption of dry and coarse food varieties ought to be kept away from
- The food that is to be intaken should be cut into small pieces
- The mouth should be rinsed only with the mouthwash that is prescribed by your healthcare physician
- Do not use mouthwash that contains alcohol
In case of fungal infections in the mouth, your healthcare provider will provide medications to treat the painful sores. If you cannot drink fluids or swallow or if the medication does not have any effectiveness, contact your child’s healthcare provider immediately.
- Try not to take food sources that are in temperatures that can hurt the mouth. It is best recommended that you take foods that are cold or at room temperature. Lukewarm beverages can also be tolerated.
- Keep away from the utilization of acidic food varieties and drinks that contain citrus as it might generally consume your mouth and throat. Well-tolerated foods are fruity nectar and pear nectar.
- Do not eat acidic or spicy foods that cause burn and sting, foods that taste bland are much preferred.
- Attempt to allow delicate food sources that are more easy to bite or consider blending the food in a blender with liquid as it makes it simpler to eat.
- Try different things with fluid and healthful formulas. Seek the help of a dietician who will provide samples of the foods before you take them regularly.
- Rather than using a spoon, encourage your child to use a straw to drink fluids and thinned purees.
- Consult your child’s healthcare team on the medications that can be given before food to numb the mouth or throat
- Try not to involve commercial mouthwashes as they contain alcohol and can burn your mouth.
How to deal with dry mouth:
The reason why cancer treatments cause dry mouth is that radiation therapy to the head or neck can reduce the flow of saliva thus resulting in dry mouth. A dry mouth can be challenging for your kid to bite and swallow food varieties and it likewise has an impact on the manner in which food varieties taste. Here are a few ways how you can deal with dry mouth,
- The kid can be given extremely sweet or tart food varieties and refreshments but an excessive number of tart food varieties is not suggested in the event that the youngster has a serious sore mouth or throat
- Sucking on hard treats. Or on the other hand, biting gum, popsicles can help as they assist with delivering more saliva. Give them non-sugar confections and gums to keep away from the tooth rots.
- Food is better when served with sauces, gravy, or butter as it is easier for them to swallow. While getting ready nourishment for your youngster make a point to plan delicate and pureed food varieties
- Keeps your youngster’s lips wet by applying lip salve frequently
- Additionally, urge them to taste fluids over the course of the day as it assists them with keeping their mouth wet
- Get a clinical meeting on items that can assist with dry mouth,
What causes mouth wounds?
Mouth wounds are known as mucositis or stomatitis in the mouth that could appear to be little cuts or ulcers in the mouth. This is caused in light of the fact that the illness meds hurt the cells that line the mouth throat and gastrointestinal plot. This is caused because cancer growth medicines harm the cells that line the mouth, throat and gastrointestinal tract. This is what causes the sores in the affected area and in some cases, these sores can extend as far as the stomach making it difficult for the child to eat and swallow foods. Mouth sores frequently show up following fourteen days after treatment and may come and go in light of the specific kind of treatment because of the sort of medicine utilized in that specific treatment.
In addition to cancer treatment, the following conditions also increase the chances of developing a mouth sore,
- Radiation therapies to the head and neck region
- Specific sorts of chemotherapy, designated treatment, and some immunotherapy drugs
- Dehydration
- Oxygen therapy
- Lack of certain vitamins or protein
- Poor mouth care
- Certain infections
- Alcohol or tobacco use
Healing of mouth sores can take up to 2 to 4 weeks and that too only on completion of that particular treatment as it may cause poor eating habits and weight loss. Also, it can be too costly to test if there has been no announcement of the results in the group.
How to identify a mouth sore:
- The sores in the mouth are red with white patches in the center. In some cases, they drain and become contaminated as well
- There will be excessive swelling in the throat, mouth, and gums too
- The child will experience severe discomfort while chewing or swallowing. They can likewise feel the irritated throat
- There may be little ulcers, sores in the mouth, and draining on the gums or under the tongue
- There will be the event of white or yellow film patches or discharge in the mouth or on the tongue
- Expanded bodily fluid in the mouth
- When taking hot or cold drinks, there will be a feeling of dryness and a mild burning
- Will causes heartburn and indigestion
Care for mouth sores:
Make a point to check your youngster’s mouth two times per day utilizing a little electric lamp, a mirror, or a cushioned conceivable stick to search for indications of injuries or disease. If your child is wearing dentures, remove them before the examination. The child’s healthcare team should be notified immediately if they feel a difference in the taste of food. Based on the evaluation, the right treatment plan will be drafted for your child.
For example, the youngster’s medical services group will suggest that they do 30-minute mouth care subsequent to eating and when every 4 hrs while the kid is consciously utilizing a delicate toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste. For your mouthwash, you can use the non-alcohol one. Direction for flossing will be based on what your child’s doctor says and while rinsing make sure to only use the ones that are alcohol-free as they will not dry out your mouth furthermore. Assuming the youngster is wearing braces, it is told that they are taken out and cleaned before mealtimes on a standard timetable and put away in a purging soak.
Other tips that can be practiced are,
- Intake water as much as possible. You must drink at least 2-3 quarts of fluid per day.
- Lips ought to constantly be kept sodden with petroleum jelly, lip balm, or cocoa margarine
- Ask your doctor about the medications that can be taken to relieve pain
- Utilization of chilled food sources, for example, ice chips, popsicles, sherbet, and frozen yogurt should likewise be possible
- Use straw
- Attempt to give your youngster filter and soft food sources that are not difficult to swallow
- Rather than eating big meals, try to eat frequently. The food should not be spicy. Raw veggies and fruits should be avoided including other foods that are hard, rusty, or dry.
- No fizzy drinks or cola
- No salty, spicy, or sugary foods
- Not acidic foods like juices and fruits of tomato, grapefruits, lemon or lime
- Ask your doctor if there are medications that can be painted on the sores 15 -20 mins before each meal.
Role of caregivers:
- Regularly look at the mouth of the patients for any red regions or white patches. They are what turn into sores later on. Assuming that the patient is wearing braces, eliminate them prior to checking.
- Soft foods are most preferred. Mash the food varieties or accept them as puree by placing them in a blender to make them more straightforward to eat.
- Pain medications should be offered 30mins before mealtime
- Take fluids utilizing a straw to sidestep the sores in the mouth.
- The medications that are prescribed are Anbesol® or Orajel® before meals to numb the pain during eating.
The healthcare team should be notified if the patient if,
- Notice any sort of “cut” or sore in the mouth
- Has white patches on the tongue or inside the mouth
- Has bleeding gums
- Has taken in little food or liquid for 2 days
- Has redness or shininess in their mouth that goes on for over 48 hours
- Has a temperature of 100.5° F or higher when taken by mouth
- Can’t take drugs due to mouth injuries