Anemia is quite a common blood disorder that affects more than 30% of the entire population and within the US at least an estimated number of three million Americans.
What is Anemia?
At the point when the body’s necessity of red platelets doesn’t meet the prerequisites of conveying oxygen all through your body’s tissues due to being insufficient, the condition is known as anemia. This condition is also referred to as having low hemoglobin that makes one feel tired and weak.
The causes of anemia vary according to the kind. They can be either temporary or long-term, severe to mild, therefore if you experience any symptoms that you suspect might relate to anemia, consult your doctor immediately. Anemia can be prevented by consuming healthy food or a varied diet.
- Iron deficiency anemia
- Sickle cell anemia
- Vitamin deficiency anemia
- Aplastic anemia
- Thalassemia
Anemia side effects shift contingent upon the reason and seriousness of the condition. The common symptoms are,
- Feeling extremely tired or weak
- Yellowish and pale skin
- Breathing difficulties
- Irregular heartbeats
- Dizziness or fainting due to lightheadedness
- Pain in the chest
- Headaches
Anemia symptoms are quite mild and can be difficult to identify and associate with this condition. Worsening of these symptoms can mean that the severity of anemia has also increased. It is wise to consult your doctor when you experience even the mildest symptoms.
Causes of Anemia?
Anemia can either be congenital or one that you develop later on in life(acquired). It is a lack of red platelets in the blood. Our blood is composed of three kinds of cells to be specific, white blood cells, platelets, and red blood cells. White platelets fight illnesses, platelets assist with coagulating blood, and red platelets carry oxygen from the lungs to various parts of the body. Specifically, RBCs contain an iron-rich protein that gives red coloration to the blood. The production site of these blood cells is in the bone marrow. Red blood cells are predominantly made of iron, vitamin B-12, and other nutrients all of which are from the food you eat.
Anemia is not caused only due to a particular reason. The most common type is the one experienced with deficiency of iron in the blood. With less iron content, the bone marrow is unable to produce RBCs as a result causes anemia. It is more common in women having heavy menstrual flow, in those using aspirin excessively, and in pregnant women.
Sickle cell anemia is an acquired sort of anemia that can be very significant. It is also known by the name hemolytic anemia. The “sickle cell” gets its name because the red blood cells of the people having this condition assume an abnormal crescent shape. These premature cells die so fast as their formation results in a chronic shortage of RBCs.
The underlying cause is first determined on which basis the treatment is facilitated. Anemia can either be due to improper diet or a more serious health problem. On the off chance that you are encountering anemia because of lack of iron, iron supplements are endorsed and you will be asked to take foods rich in iron that can be easily absorbed by your body or iron is directed into the body through an infusion of red blood cells.